全天候> 加工> 通讯产品加工> 供应RFoF 8GHz微波纤传输模块

供应RFoF 8GHz微波纤传输模块

2023年07月31日 16:48

  • 价格 1元/件 (起订量: 1件 | 可售数量:面议)
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? Telecommunication – Antenna

remoting , long RF links via fiber

? Radar systems

Key features:

? Best Cost Performance

? Frequency Range: 0.1-8 GHz


? Various RF Gains

? Electrical interface and Dimensions

can be tailored per customer request

? Unidirectional or Bidirectional enclosure

*product picture above is of a Bidirectional module

RFOptic's analog RFoF modules convert RF signals to optical signals and

back. One unit has an optical transmitter converts RF to Optical signal, and

second receiver unit converts Optical to RF signal. The two units are

connected by an optical fiber of the customer.

RFOptic's RF over Fiber modules (RFoF) are suitable for telecommunications

and radar applications. Satellite, Point-to-Point antennas can be connected

from several meters to many kilometers away from the control room. Base

stations can be connected through fiber to remote sector antennas.

Broadcasters can easily distribute their full RF streams over fiber to remote

locations, therefore eliminating the need for complex equipment to be

installed in far and hard to reach locations. With our wide-band units, cable

operators can centrally locate their broadcasting equipment, and connect

the RF through fiber to the remote location, thus reducing significantly the

CAPEX and OPEX of their networks. Radar system houses can easily connect

remote antenna elements using economical fiber. Phased array antennas

can also use fiber to connect to their RF systems.

免责声明:该产品“供应RFoF 8GHz微波纤传输模块”由用户所提供。该公司介绍、产品等相关信息均由用户自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由用户完全承担,全天候对此不承担任何保证责任。
  • 联系卖家陈荷
  • 联系方式13327801136