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供应全木实验室家具 实验台柜 实验室凳子

2023年12月16日 14:52

  • 价格 1100元/台 (起订量: 1台 | 可售数量:面议)
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全木中央桌、靠边桌材质说明 A. 台面说明: 耐腐蚀12.7mm威盛亚实心理化板台面,边缘加厚至25.4mm。


B. 门板说明: 门板采用18mm厚防潮板(苏州天叶牌),表面经POLYESTER REISN(不饱和聚酯树脂)高压被覆处理,并以2mm厚PVC封边防水处理。

C. 侧板说明: 采用18mm厚防潮板(苏州天叶牌),表面经POLYESTER REISN(不饱和聚酯树脂)高压被覆处理,并以2mm厚PVC封边防水处理。

D. 抽屉底板说明: 采用16mm厚防潮板(苏州天叶牌)。

E. 把手说明: 采用铝型材C型拉手。

F. 层板说明: 采用18mm厚防潮板(苏州天叶牌),表面经 POLYESTER RESIN(不饱和聚脂树脂)高压被覆处理,并以 2mmPVC封边防水处理,并设有高低调整扣。

G. 电源说明: 电源插座采用220V插座,约每一公尺设置一组插座。(如须110V请予说明)。

H. 调整脚说明: 设有高低防水调整脚。

I. 管道间说明: 管道间和修缮板均用18mm防潮板, 聚氯乙烯作封边处理

J. 铰链说明: 采用德国海福乐品牌,钢制,开口角度110度。

K. 滑轨: 采用德国海福乐品牌,抽屉两侧滑轨采用钢制烤漆处理,采用钢制载重型三节滑轨装置。

L、化验水槽说明: 采用台雄SAN牌实验室专用6mm厚PP水槽,一体成型,耐碱。


M.化验龙头说明: 采用台雄SAN牌鹅颈铜烤漆龙头,陶瓷芯,可旋转360° 。 All wood central table, side table material description

A. Table: corrosion resistant 12.7mm Wilsonart chemical-resistant laminate countertops, margin thickened to 25.4mm.

The operation surface edge by the smooth processing. High temperature material for black 40mm thick marble countertops

Note: B door door employs 18mm thick board ( Suzhou day licensing), surface by POLYESTER REISN ( unsaturated polyester resin ) high coating treatment, and to 2mm PVC thick edge waterproof processing.

Side note: C by 18mm thick board ( Suzhou day licensing), surface by POLYESTER REISN ( unsaturated polyester resin ) high coating treatment, and to 2mm PVC thick edge waterproof processing.

D drawer bottom : adopt 16mm thick board ( Suzhou day licensing).

E. Handle : adopt C type aluminum handle.

F laminates : adopt 18mm thick board ( Suzhou day licensing), surface by POLYESTER RESIN ( unsaturated polyester resin ) high coating treatment, and to the 2mmPVC edge water treatment, and is provided with a height adjusting buckle.

G. Power: power socket with 220V socket, about every meter is provided with a set of socket. ( if 110V please describe ).

H. Adjust the foot: with the level of waterproof adjusting foot.

I pipeline: between pipeline and repair plate with 18mm moisture-proof board, PVC for edge processing

J hinge: Germany Hafele brand, steel, the opening angle of 110 degrees.

K. Slide: Germany Hafele brand, on both sides of the drawer slide rail with steel paint treatment, the use of steel heavy load three slide device.

L, laboratory flume Description: the use of Taiwan SAN brand laboratory dedicated 6mm thick PP sink, integrally molded, alkali resistance. With filtering and bet, smelly function.

M. Laboratory Faucet : adopt Taiwan licensing SAN gooseneck faucet copper paint, ceramic core, can rotate 360 deg.

免责声明:该产品“供应全木实验室家具 实验台柜 实验室凳子”由用户所提供。该公司介绍、产品等相关信息均由用户自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由用户完全承担,全天候对此不承担任何保证责任。
  • 公司名称苏州浩博实验室家具工程有限公司
  • 联系卖家李生
  • 联系方式15950023378
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