


全天候> 精细化学品> 建筑用精细化学品> 防水剂> LOT100 Mortar Additive

LOT100 Mortar Additive

2023年07月30日 09:14

  • 价格 1000元/件 (起订量: 1件 | 可售数量:面议)
  • 店铺地址 浙江杭州中国浙江杭州西湖区西溪路156号

About LOT100mortar additive(LMA)

LOT100 mortar additive (LMA) is a non-toxic, pale yellow clear liquid aqueous admixture for cement/sand mortars specifically formulated for laying water repellent concrete blocks. It not only makes the mortar water resistant, but also improves the adhesion of the mortar to the water repellent blocks and improves the workability of the mortar mixture.

How does it work?

Adding LAM to concrete enhances the concrete’s natural hydration process by intensifying and prolonging the hydration of the cementing materials. Capillary pores are reduced in both size and number. The concrete is made dramatically less porous. At the same time, LAM fills all remaining pores and capillaries with millions of long, needle-like crystals throughout the concrete mass. The resulting concrete is impermeable to the migration of water or waterborne chemicals.

The application advantages

Reduces water absorption of cement and sand mortar mixImproves the workability of the mortarReduces efflorescence of the mortarIncrease adhesion of cement/sand mortar.Non-corrosive and non-toxic formulationNot significantly change vapor permeability of cement/sand mortars.Easy to use and cost effective

Recommended Uses

LMA is recommended as a water repellent admixture for cement/sand mortar designed specifically for cement/sand mixtures such as cement/sand renders or concrete masonry. It may also be used as a water resistant admixture for bathroom and sewage and water treatment plants.

Typical Data:

Appearance: Pale yellow clear liquid

Specific Gravity: 1.0~1.05 g/ml at 20oC

pH value: 8-10

Solubility in water: Soluble in water

VOC content: Nil

Flash point: Not allocated

How to use it?

Please read the product information for the correct application and safe handling before use. We recommend use 1.0 liter of LMA per 40kg of cement at cement/sand ratio of 2 to 5. The maximum cement/sand ratio should not exceed 1 part cement to 3 parts sand. Mix the LMA with suitable water at LMA/water ratio of 1 to 10 beforehand. Blend the mortar mix with balanced water to the desired consistency.

Please note that LMA may cause some property change of the mortar. The mortar additive improves workability of the mortar but this may cause the mortar to become too running to work with or it may slow the curing of the mortar particularly when ambient temperature is low. These problems may be solved by altering the dosage rate of the mortar additive or by adding other admixtures such as cement accelerator providing enough water resistant effect of the mortar is achieved and correct adhesion and workability of the mortar is retained.

As cement/sand mortars vary significantly, a test MUST be carried out prior to application to find out the suitability of this product for the purpose.

For more details, please contact us.

Important Note:LMA is a water repellent admixture by depositing hydrophobic materials into the mortar matrix while not significantly blocking the capillaries or affecting the vapor permeability. It reduces water absorption by capillary action. However, it has a limited resistance to water penetration particularly under prolonged contact or hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, in some cases where the mortar is very permeable or there is extreme wind driven rain, resistance to water penetration or water-borne staining may not be adequate. LMA may precipitate solids at temperatures below 0oC, but it can invalidate at higher temperatures after an extended period. Please make sure the product is in a liquid form when adding into mortar mixes.

Handling & Storage:LMAis a non-hazardous material. However, as with all chemical products, good industrial hygiene procedures should be followed when using this product. Skin or eye contact should be avoided by wearing proper protection. Wash hands after handling!

The product should be stored in closed containers in a cool dry place away from any fire or ignition sources at a temperature preferably between 0oC to 40oC. The product has a shelf life of 24 months in a sealed original container.

Use under sufficient ventilation!

Keep out of reach of children!

Packaging:LMAis available in 2, 5, 20 and 200 liters plastic drums.


The information given in this data sheet is based on many years of experience and is correct to the best of our knowledge. As the storage, handling and application of this material are beyond our control; we can only be responsible for the quality of our product at the time of dispatch. We reserve the right to alter certain product parameters within the spectrum of properties in order to keep abreast of technical advances. It is the responsibility of the end user to determine the suitability of this material for any particular application.


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  • 公司名称杭州瑞先化工科技有限公司
  • 联系卖家杨骛远
  • 联系方式13705817515
  • 地址浙江杭州中国浙江杭州西湖区西溪路156号
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