


全天候> 仪器仪表> 光学仪器> 显微镜> 供应RX300金相工具显微镜


2023年09月01日 12:23

  • 价格 1元/台 (起订量: 1台 | 可售数量:面议)
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RX-J测量软件介绍: RX-J Measuring Software Introductions 1、自动测量功能:鼠标自动找直线、点选圆、框选圆区域自动圆、自动圆弧 1、Auto-Measurement Function: it can automatically find out by mouse straight line, create circle by points, create circle by point-select, auto-circle in multi-zones, auto-arc. 2、手动CNC:在有夹具的情况下面可以进行半自动测量 (测量效率远高于同行) 2、Manual CNC function: if there is clamps, it can make semi-auto measurement. ( measuring effective is far higher than competitor) 3、辅助对焦:帮助找到***清晰时候的Z位置 (辅助调焦提高测量精度) 3、Auxiliary Focusing: it can help to find out the clearest Z axis position. (Auxiliary focusing function improves measuring accuracy. 4、图片输出:测量结果可以图片的格式输出 (相当于数码相机功能) 4、Image Putout: measuring results can be put out in image format. (it just likes a digital camera’s function) 5、形位公差:圆度,直线度,平行度,垂直度,同心度 5、Geometric tolerance: roundness, linearity, parallelism, verticality, concentricity. 6、设置公差:可设置产品的实际尺寸超出范围,超出则以红色背景警示 6、Set up tolerance:it can set up part’s actual size exceeding range, if any exceeding, it will warn with red background 7、CCD矫正:矫正图像畸变 7、CCD Correction: correct CCD image distortion 8、轮廓跟踪:通过软件自动计算出工件的轮廓并显示出来 (清晰显示测量位置) 8、Profile Track: software can automatically calculate and display the profile of the work-piece. ( clearly displays the measuring position).

9、矢量绘图功能:图元字体可以无级的放大缩小 9、Vector Plotting Function: graphic primitive typeface can be camzoomed without any limit. 10、标注功能:半径标注,直径标注,角度标注,线性标注,对齐标注,文字标注,坐标标注 10、Mark Function: it can mark the radius, diameter, angle, linearity, alignment, words and coordinates. 11、命令行:可以由命令行直接输入坐标信息,生成点、直线、圆、圆弧等,满足特殊需要 11、Command line: user can put in the coordinates data from command line directly to get point, line, circle, arc and so on, to meet special requirement. 12、地图测量:可把所拍的工件局部照片精密的整合成工件全图,并保存为高像素的照片。还可打开以前所拍的地图,直接进行绘图、标注、修改等操作 (合成大图片) 12、Map Measurement: it can combine all small pictures taken by our software for a bigger work-piece into a piece of complete picture, and save it as high definite pictures. It also can open the pictures taken by software before to directly do the operations of drawing, marking, and modification etc, and also can measure all geometrical parameters on picture directly. (It can combine many small pictures into a whole complete photo) 13、虚拟测量:虚拟测量技术使影像测量软件可脱离硬件机台。在没有机台和产品的情况下,软件同样可以测量产品的尺寸 (可以脱机测量) 13、Virtual Measurement: virtual measuring technology makes measuring software of video machine can depart from main machine, under the circumstance of without sample and main machine, the software still can measurement the geometrical size of the sample. (It can do all measurements without machine and sample) 14、二维抄数:可将产品外形描出,描出的图形可转入AutoCAD形成工程图,可以做逆向工程 14、2D Scan Function: it can scan the profile of the sample, and transfer the profile drawing of the sample into AutoCAD engineering drawing to do reverse engineering. 15、SPC分析:可以计算CA、CP、CPK、DRL、DRR、DR、MAX、MIN、AVG、RANGE、STD,并可以绘出X-R图,散点图,折线图,柱状图等 15、SPC Function: It can calculate CA、CP、CPK、DRL、DRR、DR、MAX、MIN、AVG、RANGE、STD,and can draw X-R graph, broken line graph, bar graph etc.

  • 公司名称源兴光学仪器有限公司(天津分公司)
  • 联系卖家严家林
  • 联系方式15510810214
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