


全天候> 机械及行业设备> 阀门> 电磁阀> 7DO138.70贝加莱PLC模块


2023年12月23日 13:01

  • 价格 800元/个 (起订量: 不限 | 可售数量:面议)
  • 店铺地址 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区金豫路100号2幢1017室(注册地址)

7do138.70贝加莱plc模块 奥地利贝加莱优质商品 低价现货供应 全国联保 欢迎来电咨询






我公司专业代理博世力士乐(bosch-rexroth)、阿托斯atos、派克parker、迪普马duplomatic、油研yuken;本特利bentley、贝加莱b&r、西门子、光洋koyo,美国asco,美国parker派克 等系列进口产品

7do138.70贝加莱plc模块 贝加莱的x20系列控制器以及i/o的平均无故障时间(mtbf)达到了50万小时。所有产品均通过了苛刻的欧洲ce、ul等认证测试,并满足了铁道部电气系统的a级emc测试要求。此外,为了进一步提高系统的可靠性能,贝加莱还推出了全对称式的冗余方案。如 图2。两台完全一样的cpu同时运行着一模一样的程序,并挂接相同的i/o以及通讯模块。在运行期间只有一台cpu是主站(拥有控制权),而另一台处于热备状态(无控制权)。在某一时间,如果主站cpu出现故障(cpu运行故障、i/o模块故障、通讯模块故障或者是与上位机的联系中断),系统会立即进行切换,将原先处于热备状态的cpu切为主站,使其拥有对整个系统的控制权。由于切换时间极短,因此切换动作丝毫不会对整个监控单元产生影响,在监控中心的画面中也不会丢失掉该区域的任何数据。从而,更进一步提高了每个监控单元的可靠性。

贝加莱(b&r)是一家自动化技术领域的全球性领导厂商,总部位于奥地利eggelsberg,于1979年由erwin bernecker先生和josef rainer先生共同创建。经过三十多年的发展,今天,b&r已经在全球68个国家拥有162个分支机构。

在机械制造业,贝加莱为本土oem厂商提供了行业应用集成、技术支持和培训服务,赢得了业界广泛信任和业务的持续高速增长,在塑料、纺织、印刷、包装、电子半导体、风力发电及太阳能等领域提供了包含行业软件集成的整体解决方案,在缩短(time to market)、降低成本、提升整机性能与竞争力方面为众多战略合作伙伴做出了卓越贡献。同时,在自动化方案研发理念、系统架构及服务理念方面贝加莱也赢得了业界的广泛认同


part number description reference number

零件编号 描述 参考型号

key pad module 4ee

display module 4dd

battery 3.6v 50 or 65mah nicad 0ac100.9 0ac100.9

counter module 3nc150.6 3nc150.6

memory modul f-disk512m

digital-i/o-module 3dm476.6 3dm476.6

interface module - ethernet 8ac112.60-1 8ac112.60-1

servo converter - 2kw 8vv1045.00-2

power supply 3ps465.9 3ps465.9

control unit 3cp153.9 3cp153.9

digital-i/o-module 7cm471.70-1 7cm471.70-1

servo converter - 4kw 8vv1090.00-2

interface module 3if260.60-1 3if260.60-1

digital-i/o-module 7dm465.7 7dm465.7

back cover module 3bp152.4 3bp152.4

control module 3cp260.60-1 (w/o program) 3cp260.60-1

output module 3do479.6 3do479.6

memory module f-disk128m 5cfcrd.0128-01 5cfcrd.0128-01

input module 3di450.60-9 3di450.60-9

interface 3if050.6 3if050.6

terminal e pp420/10.4"/b pp420


part number description reference number

零件编号 描述 参考型号

motor 8msa4m.r0-b5 8msa4m.r0-b5

connecting cable m8/4pol/10m m8/4pol/10m

connecting cable m12/4pol/0,2m m12/4pol/0,2m

connecting cable m12/4pol/10m m12/4pol/10m

connecting cable m12/4pol/1m m12/4pol/1m

connecting cable m12/4pol/2m m12/4pol/2m

mounting parts 8xx0001.00-1

mounting parts 8xx0040.00-1

mounting parts 8xx0010.00-1

mounting parts 8xx0020.00-1

mounting parts 8xx0002.00-1

servo converter

servo converter 8vkw 8vkw

servo converter 8vkw 8vkw

servo converter 8vkw 8vkw

servo converter 8vkw 8vkw

servo converter 8vkw 8vkw

servo converter 8vw 8vw

servo converter 8vw 8vw

interface module 8ac110/can 8ac110/can

interface module 8ac112.60-1/ethernet 8ac112.60-1/ethernet

interface module 8ac120/endat 8ac120/endat

interface module 8ac122/resolver 8ac122/resolver

interface module 8ac123/inc-ssi 8ac123/inc-ssi

interface module 8ac130/8e/a 8ac130/8e/a

interface module

interface module


cable resolver/5m 8cr005.12-1 8cr005.12-1

resolver cable

cable resolver/10m 8cr010.12-1 8cr010.12-1

cable resolver/25m 8cr025.12-1 8cr025.12-1

cable encoder/5m 8ce005.12-1 8ce005.12-1

cable motor/5m/1,5mm2 8cm005.12-1 8cm005.12-1

motor cable 7 m

cable motor/10m/1,5mm2 8cm010.12-1 8cm010.12-1

cable motor/25m/1,5mm2 8cm025.12-1 8cm025.12-1

cable resolver/15m b&r

cable resolver/20m b&r

cable motor/15m/4mm2 b&r

cable motor/20m/4mm2 b&r

cable encoder/20m 8ce020.12-1 8ce020.12-1

cable motor/20m/1,5mm2 8cm020.12-1 8cm020.12-1

interface module 8ac114/epl 8ac114/epl

servo converter 8acp-v1010/450w 8acp-v1010/450w

servo converter 8acp-v1016/700w 8acp-v1016/700w

servo converter 8acp-v1022/1kw 8acp-v1022/1kw

servo converter 8acp-v1045/2kw 8acp-v1045/2kw

servo converter 8acp-v1090/4kw 8acp-v1090/4kw

servo converter 8acp:mm-v1180/9kw 8acp:mm-v1180/9kw

servo converter 8acp-v1010/450w1 8acp-v1010/450w1

servo converter 8acp-v1016/700w1 8acp-v1016/700w1

servo converter 8acp-v1022/1kw-1 8acp-v1022/1kw-1

servo converter 8acp-v1045/2kw-1 8acp-v1045/2kw-1

servo converter 8acp-v1090/4kw-1 8acp-v1090/4kw-1

servo converter 8acp-v1180/9kw-1 8acp-v1180/9kw-1

back cover module 8b0m0120hf00 8b0m0120hf00

line filter 8bvf0440h000 8bvf0440h000

power pack 8bvp0440hc00 8bvp0440hc00

axis module 8bvi0028hcs0 8bvi0028hcs0

axis module

interface module 0ac913.92/can 0ac913.92/can

interface module

terminal block

interface module 7xvxv124.50-12

terminal block 0tbp 0tbp

power supply, x67ps1300 x67ps1300

digital i/o module, x67dm1321 x67dm1321

input module x67di1371 x67di1371

output module x67do1332 x67do1332

analog i/o module x67am1223 x67am1223

interface module x67if1121 x67if1121

network module x67bc8321-1 x67bc8321-1

cap x67ac0m08 x67ac0m08

cap x67ac0m12 x67ac0m12

analog module x67ao1223 x67ao1223

master control module 7cp470.60-1 7cp470.60-1

master control module 7cp474.60-1 7cp474.60-1

digital input module 7di435.7 7di435.7

input module 7di645.7 7di645.7

digital-i/o-module 7dm435.7 7dm435.7

output module 7do435.7 7do435.7

output module 7do720.7 7do720.7

analog module 7af101.7 7af101.7

analog module 7ai351.70 7ai351.70

analog module 7ao352.70 7ao352.70

counter modul 7di135.70 7di135.70

counter module 7nc161-7 7nc161-7

interface module 7if311.7 7if311.7

interface module 7if32 7if32

network module 7ex470.50-1 7ex470.50-1

module 7bp703.0 7bp703.0

back cover modul 7bp705.0 7bp705.0


accessory terminal blk, 10 pin 7tb710.9 7tb710.9

can connector plug 7ac911.9 7ac911.9

terminal block

back cover modul 7bp704.0 7bp704.0

back cover module 7bp706.0 7bp706.0

back cover modul

interface module 7if371.70-1 7if371.70-1

output module 7d0135.70 7d0135.70

digital-i/o-module 7cm471.70-1 7cm471.70-1

terminal block 7tb722.91 7tb722.91

blank module 7ac010.9 7ac010.9

digital-i/o-module 7dm465.7 7dm465.7

terminal block 7tb718.91 7tb718.91

terminal block 7tb736.91 7tb736.91

control module 7cp430.60-1 7cp430.60-1

input module 7di439.7 7di439.7

terminal block 7tb710.91 7tb710.91

digital/analog module 7cm211.7 7cm211.7

terminal block 7tb712.91 7tb712.91

terminal block 7tb772.91 7tb772.91

control module 7cp476.60-1 7cp476.60-1

network module 7ex270.50-1 7ex270.50-1

back cover module 7bp701.1 7bp701.1

analog module 7ai354.70 7ai354.70

input module 7di138.70 7di138.70

output module 7do138.70 7do138.70

back cover module 7bp707.0 7bp707.0

control module 7cpcp476-020.9

input module 7di140.70 7di140.70

network module 7ex481.50-1 7ex481.50-1

network module 7ex484.50-1 7ex484.50-1

output module 7mm424.70-1 7mm424.70-1

control module 7cp570.60-1 7cp570.60-1

output module 7do722.7 7do722.7

power supply 3ps475.9 3ps475.9

power supply 3ps476.9 3ps476.9

power supply 3ps477.9 3ps477.9

control unit 3cp153.9 3cp153.9

control unit 3cp152.9 3cp152.9

memory modul 3me950.99-1 3me950.99-1

input module 3di475.6 3di475.6

input module 3di476.6 3di476.6

input module 3di450.60-9 3di450.60-9

output module 3do480.6 3do480.6

output module 3do479.6 3do479.6

counter module 3nc150.6 3nc150.6

back cover module 3bp155.4 3bp155.4

back cover module 3bp152.4 3bp152.4

back cover module 3bp151.4 3bp151.4

back cover module 3bp150.4 3bp150.4

blind module 3bm150.9 3bm150.9

terminal block 3tb170.9 20-pol 20-pol

network module 3nw150.60-1 3nw150.60-1

interface 3if050.6 3if050.6

output module 3do750.6 3do750.6

output module 3do650.6 3do650.6

analog i/o module 3am050.6 3am050.6

memory module 3me950.90-1 3me950.90-1

memory module 3me953.90-1 3me953.90-1

power supply 3ps476:90-1 3ps476:90-1

interface 3ex150.60-1 rev.

memory module 3me960.90-1 3me960.90-1

memory module 3me963.90-1 3me963.90-1

power supply 3ps465.9 3ps465.9

master control module 3xp152.60-1 3xp152.60-1

input-module 3di477.6 3di477.6

digital-i/o-module 3dm476.6 3dm476.6

digital-i/o-module 3dm455.60-2 3dm455.60-2

output module 3ao350.6 3ao350.6

axis module 3nc154.60-2 3nc154.60-2

terminal block 3tb162.9 12-pol 12-pol

control module 3xp152.60-2 3xp152.60-2

interface module 3if260.60-1 3if260.60-1

interface module 3if672.9 3if672.9

interface module 3if621.9 3if621.9

control module 3cp260.60-1 (w/o program)

memory module 0mc111.9 2mb 2mb

back cover module 3bp1 3bp1

back cover module 3bp152.41 3bp152.41

back cover module 3bp151.41 3bp151.41

back cover module 3bp150.41 3bp150.41

interface module 3if671.9 3if671.9

input module 3at660.6 3at660.6

interface module 3if060.6 3if060.6

interface module 3if681.96 3if681.96

interface module 3if686.9 3if686.9

interface module 3ex350.6 3ex350.6

interface module 3if622.9 3if622.9

power supply 3ps465.9+3ex250.60-1 3ps465.9+3ex250.60-1

cable og0001/l=2m og0001/l=2m

input module 3di486.6 3di486.6

digital i/o module 3dm486.6 3dm486.6

memory modul omc112.9/4mb omc112.9/4mb

control module 3cp340.60-1 3cp340.60-1

interface card

control module 3cp360.60-1 3cp360.60-1

control unit 3cp340.60-2 3cp340.60-2

memory module

memory modul omc112.9/4mb omc112.9/4mb

power supply 2ps425.9, 24v dc 100w 2ps425.9

control unit 2cp100.60-1 2cp100.60-1

memory module 2me900.90-1 2me900.90-1

memory modul 2me904.90-1 2me904.90-1

input-module 2di400.6 2di400.6

input module 2di425.6 2di425.6

input-module 2di426.6 2di426.6

input-module 2ai300.6 2ai300.6

output module 2do430.6 2do430.6

output module 2do428.6 2do428.6

output module 2ao900.6 2ao900.6

analog-module 2um900.6 2um900.6

se circuit module 2ds101.60-1 2ds101.60-1

interface 2ex200.50-1 2ex200.50-1

interface 2ex302.5 2ex302.5

interface 2ex301.5 2ex301.5

back cover module 2bp300.4 2bp300.4

back cover module 2bp201.4 2bp201.4

back cover module 2bp200.4 2bp200.4

back cover module 2bp202.4 2bp202.4

back cover module 2bp210.4 2bp210.4

back cover modul 2bp110.3 2bp110.3

back cover modul 2bp101.3 2bp101.3

cover modul 2bm100.9 2bm100.9

terminal block 2tb120.9 2tb120.9

terminal block 2tb140.9 2tb140.9

plug 0gg

processor module 2mp100.5 2mp100.5

network module 2nw100.50-1 2nw100.50-1

se circuit module 2ds100.60-1 2ds100.60-1

cable 0gg

interface 2ex100.50-1 2ex100.50-1

cable 0gg

memory modul 2me910.90-1 2me910.90-1

memory module 2me913.90-1 2me913.90-1

control module 2cp104.60-1 2cp104.60-1

interface module 2if100.60-1 2if100.60-1

clamp for module 0ac001.9 0ac001.9

terminal e pp320/5,7" pp320/5,7"

terminal e pp420/5,7" pp420/5,7"

terminal e pp320/5.7"/b pp320/5.7"/b

terminal e pp420/5.7"/b pp420/5.7"/b

terminal e

terminal system (provit 5000)

terminal e

terminal e pp420/10.4"/b pp420/10.4"/b

terminal e pp420/15.1"/b pp420/15.1"/b

terminal brxtgr31-0, w/o program

key pad module 4ee

push button module 4ee

cover module 4ee

push button module 4ee

display module 4dd

display module 4dd

control module 4cc

control module 4cc

control module 4cc

display 4dd

control module 4cc

control module 4cc

terminal e ipc5600/15,1" ipc5600/15,1"

connecting cable panel-ipc/l=5m

display module 15,1"touch

terminal e ipc5600/15,1" ipc5600/15,1"

terminal e ipc5600/15,1" ipc5600/15,1"

terminal e

terminal e pp120/10.4 pp120/10.4

memory module f-disk32m 5cfcrd.0032-01 5cfcrd.0032-01

memory module f-disk128m 5cfcrd.0128-01 5cfcrd.0128-01

memory module f-disk256m 5cfcrd.0256-01 5cfcrd.0256-01

memory modul f-disk512m f-disk512m

memory modul f-disk1024m f-disk1024m

memory module 2 gb

ups system

ups system

ups system

memory modul f-disk 2048m

terminal e 4pp420.1043-k02 4pp420.1043-k02

computer ipc5600 ipc5600

expansions module dongle/pvi

interface module 5ls187.6-1 5ls187.6-1

terminal e pp220/10,4" ohne tast

terminal e pp220/10,4" pp220/10,4"

interface module 3if772.9/2can/rs 3if772.9/2can/rs

interface module powerlink/can powerlink/can

powerlink/x-link if module 3if789.9 3if789.9

terminal block otb103.9 otb103.9

interface module if779,x2x/can7rs if779,x2x/can7rs

interface module 3if791.9/x2x 3if791.9/x2x

terminal e 5ap9201043-k02 5ap9201043-k02

display module

display module ap920mm/15.1" ap920mm/15.1"

connecting cable sdl/l=1,8m sdl/l=1,8m

connecting cable sdl/l=5,0m sdl/l=5,0m

connecting cable sdl/l=10m sdl/l=10m


computer apc620/1s apc620/1s

main pc

computer apc620/2s/cf apc620/2s/cf

program ar106 ar106

interface module 5ls189.6/epl/x2x 5ls189.6/epl/x2x

interface module 5ls172.6/2can 5ls172.6/2can

interface module 5dlsdl.1000.00 5dlsdl.1000.00

interface module 5dlsdl.1000.01 5dlsdl.1000.01

memory stick 2 gb

interface module 3if787.9-1 3if787.9-1

interface module 3if789.9-1 3if789.9-1

connecting cable sdl/f/l=7m sdl/f/l=7m

connecting cable sdl/f/l=10m sdl/f/l=10m

connecting cable sdl/f/l=15m sdl/f/l=15m

back cover module x20bm01 x20bm01

back cover module x20bm11 x20bm11

back cover module x20bb80 x20bb80

terminal block x20tb12 x20tb12

power pack x20ps2100 x20ps2100

power pack x20ps3300 x20ps3300

power pack x20ps9400 x20ps9400

interface module x20br9300 x20br9300

interface module x20bt9100 x20bt9100

blind module x20zf0000 x20zf0000

network module x20bc0043 x20bc0043

network module x20bc0083 x20bc0083

control unit

control unit x20cp3486 x20cp3486

interface module x20if1072/can x20if1072/can

interface module x20cs1030/rs x20cs1030/rs

interface module x20cs1070/can x20cs1070/can

interface module x20cs1020/rs232 x20cs1020/rs232

analog module x20ao2622 x20ao2622

counter module x20dc1396 x20dc1396

control unit x20cp1484 x20cp1484

interface module x20if2772/2can x20if2772/2can

dig./analog i/o stage x20cm8281 x20cm8281

input module

input module x20di6371 x20di6371

input module x20di9371 x20di9371

output module x20do4332

output module x20do6322 x20do6322

output module x20do9322 x20do9322

analog module x20ai4622 x20ai4622

input module x20at4222 x20at4222

analog module x20ao4622 x20ao4622

counter module x20dc1196 x20dc1196

counter module

input module x20di2377 x20di2377

dig./analog i/o stage x20cm1941 x20cm1941

marking plate x20ac0lb1 x20ac0lb1

conclusion piece x20acosl1 x20acosl1

conclusion piece x20ac0sr1 x20ac0sr1

holder x20ac0sc1 x20ac0sc1

marking plate x20ac0sh1 x20ac0sh1

terminal block 0tbp 0tbp

back cover module x20bm15 x20bm15

back cover module x20bb81 x20bb81

network module

interface module

interface module x20cs2770-c01 x20cs2770-c01

power pack x20ps9500 x20ps9500

back cover module x20bb27 x20bb27

control unit x20cp0292 x20cp0292

interface module x20cs2770/2can x20cs2770/2can

control unit x20cp3485-1 x20cp3485-1

back cover module x20bb82 x20bb82

battery, nicd 3v/950mah/cr1/2aa 3v/950mah/cr1/2aa

battery 0ac100.9 3.6v/50 or 65mah nicad

motor 8msa4l.r0-30 8msa4l.r0-30

output module 3do486.6 3do486.6

holder dongle-halt.z.interact

terminal e pp420/5.7"/2s pp420/5.7"/2s

memory module 2cp200.60-1 w/o mem

interface module 7if361.70-1 7if361.70-1

converter, 8acp:mm-v1180-01 8acp:mm-v1180-01

converter 8acp:mm-v1180-01 8acp:mm-v1180-01

converter 8acp:mm-v1180-01 8acp:mm-v1180-01

motor 8msa8x.r0-r0-p800 8msa8x.r0-r0-p800

display module 4dd

motor 8msa3l.r0-ee 8msa3l.r0-ee

motor 8msa4x.r0-30 8msa4x.r0-30

motor 8msa5l.e1-b6 8msa5l.e1-b6

motor 8msa4x.e1-32 8msa4x.e1-32

operating unit b&r set:5p50:mmzo-01 set:5p50:mmzo-01

operating unit b&r set:5p50:mmzo-01 set:5p50:mmzo-01

operating unit b&r set:5p62:mmzo-02 set:5p62:mmzo-02

operating unit b&r set:5p50:mmzo-01 set:5p50:mmzo-01

operating unit b&r set:5p62:mmzo-01 set:5p62:mmzo-01

display module 4bb

display module p120 p120

output module 7do722.7 7do722.7

controller modul 4cc

lithium batterie 0ac201.9 0ac201.9

display module 4dd

display module 4db&r


motor 8lsa35.r0030c000-0 8lsa35.r0030c000-0

motor 8lsa45.r0030c000-0 8lsa45.r0030c000-0

motor 8lsa35.r0030d000-0 8lsa35.r0030d000-0

gear motor 115x146.5x369.8 115x146.5x369.8

motor 8lsa94 8lsa94

motor 8lsa35.r0030c000-0 8lsa35.r0030c000-0

motor 1.26kw 30nm 30nm

motor 8msa5x.ro-d200-1 8msa5x.ro-d200-1

motor 8msc5e.ro-d3-1 8msc5e.ro-d3-1

motor 8msa8x.ro??-? 8msa8x.ro??-?

motor 8msa4l.r0-310c 8msa4l.r0-310c

motor 8msa4m.r0-30 8msa4m.r0-30

motor 8msa5e.r0-d200-1 8msa5e.r0-d200-1

motor 8msa5e.r0-d200-1 8msa5e.r0-d200-1

motor 1.26 ke 30mn

motor 0.63kw 30nm

motor 1.26kw/30nm 1.26kw/30nm

motor 0.65kw 31nm 31nm

motor 8msa3l 8msa3l

control module 7ex770.50-1 7ex770.50-1

terminalsystem mp1831 mp1831

sps-control-unit brcomp1-0 brcomp1-0

keyboard and display

battery modul ac 240

interface module rs232 rs485/rs422 rs485/rs422

interface module 3if613.9 3 x rs232 rs232

memory modul 9a0004.04 @ 16mb

analog-modul 7at664.70 7at664.70

control module ipc provit 5000c 5000c

disk-drive 3.5", 1.4mb

control module exp master 3ex350.6 3ex350.6

control module ipc provit 5000 b&r

terminal corona ipc provit 5000

terminal e 4pp220.1043-k03 set

terminal e flat s. lcd

terminal e 4pp420.1505-b5 4pp420.1505-b5

terminal e 4pppp

terminal e 5ap950.1214-k01 5ap950.1214-k01

memory modul 256mb 256mb

control module apc620 1000mhz b&r

hard disk 5ac600.hddi-05 zu apc620 apc620

synchronmotor 8msa4x.e1-69 9,5nm

motor 8msa2x.e5-43 0,8nm

analog module 7at352.70 7at352.70

operating element p127 compact hmi c

operating unit 4dd

battery -modul 0ac240.9 0ac240.9

control unit 7cpcp

panelware micro mmi 4b

control module

display module

display module

key pad module

key pad module

key pad module

key pad module

key pad module


terminal e ipc5000-mc ipc5000-mc

terminal e ipc5000,leitstand ipc5000,leitstand

operating unit x2x-hmi 4xp0000.00-k06 4xp0000.00-k06

operating unit x2x-hmi 4xp0000.00-k07 4xp0000.00-k07

operating unit x2x-hmi inkl.

operating unit x2x-hmi front

terminal block b&r analog modul

terminal e ipc5000 celeron

base-module digital-i/o-modul 7xx408 7xx408

analog i/o module

spare parts

operating unit

interface module 3if797.9-1 3if797.9-1

analog module 7ai294.7 7ai294.7

control unit x20cp0201 x20cp0201

dig./analog i/o stage x20dm9324 x20dm9324

output module x20do8332 x20do8332

motor 8msa2m-ro-17 8msa2m-ro-17

digital i/o module dm

line module x67ps1300 x67ps1300

interface module rs485 rs485

computer can bus

servo drive 4kw 4kw

interface module

shaft encoder

shaft encoder

servo drive

motor 8msa3l.e0-30 8msa3l.e0-30

cable, encoder cable, 2m

drive 4kw

interface module db

drive , servo

interface module , cpu (w/ethernet)

power supply

aoutput module xz0d0833z xz0d0833z

f 0ac200.9 battery, type 3vcr 1/2 aa -

f 1a0550.03 fieldbus configurator software

f 2ai725.6 analog input, 16 channel, +/-20ma,

f 2am000.6 analog input, 8 input: 0..10v,

f 2am001.6 analog input, 8 input: 0..20ma,

f 2ao300.6 analog input,16 channel,+/-10v,12 bit, d

f 2ao725.6 analog input,8 channel,0..20ma,12 bit, d

f 2at300.6 rtd, 8 channel, 3-wire, 12 bit, d

f 2at400.6 rtd, 8 channel, 4-wire, 12 bit, d

f 2at600.6 fecuni type l, 16 channel 750 c,

f 2at601.6 fecuni type j, 16 channel, 750 c,

f 2cp100.6 cpu, 68000, 16mhz, sys, 256k ram,

f 2cp102.6 cpu, 68000, 16mhz, 64k ram, 64k dpr, d

f 2di401.6 digital input, 16 ch-10ms, ch-10ms,

f 2do600.6 digital output, 32 channel, 110vac/dc,

f 2do700.6 digital output, 16 channel, 220vac/dc,

f 2ds101.6 drum event timer module, 32 channel,

f 2me902.90-1 memory module, plc-sw(128), 512k eprom,

f 2me903.90-1 memory module, plc-sw(128), 1mb eprom,

f 2ps740.9 power supply module, 100w, 90..270vac, d

f 3ai350.6 analog input, 8 channel, +/- 10v,

f 3ai375.6 analog input, 8 channel, 0..10v,

f 3ai775.6 analog input, 8 channel, 0..20ma,

f 3am051.6 analog, 4 input 0-20ma, 4 output 0-20ma,

f 3ao350.6 analog output, 8 channel, +/- 10v,

f 3ao775.6 analog output, 8 channel, 0..20ma,

f 3at350.6 rtd, 4 channel, 3-wire, 12 bit, d

f 3at450.6 rtd, 4 channel, 4-wire, 12 bit, d

f 3at650.6 fecuni type l, 8 channel, 750 c,

f 3at651.6 fecuni type j, 8 channel, 750 c,

f 3di690.6 digital input, 16 channel 120vac, d

f 3do476.6 digital output, 16 channel, 24vdc, 2a,

f 3if766.9 profibus master module

f 3me951.90-1 memory, plc-sw (128), 512k eprom,

f 3mememory,plc-sw(128),512keprom,

f 3ps793.9 power supply module, 60w, 110/230 vac, d

f 3ps794.9 power supply module, 60w, 110/230 vac,

f 3ps795.9 power supply module, 60w, 110/230 vac,

f 4aaccessory set (model#mapwhw-e pg 6-2)

f 5a5002.02 flash card carrier

f 5ac600.cani-00 can interface

f 5ac600.hddi-05 harddrive

f 5ac600.hs01-01

f 5c5600-04 power supply f/f/

f 5d5500.18 display

f 5mmddr.mb memory sdram

f 5pc600.e855-02 cpu board

f 5pc600.fa05-00 pci card

f 5pc600.sx05-00 industrial pc

f 9a0110.16 back light for 2.1408.4

f 9a011005 backlight

f brlitb-o lithium battery 3.6v

f c0116952 compact plc battery

f oac100.9 battery 3,6v/50mah, 1/3aa nicad

y 0tb708.91 terminal blocks

y 31f761.9 profibus card for cp360

y b 4amounting accessory kit

y b0027899 connector (plug) kit

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  • 公司名称上海韦米机电设备有限公司
  • 联系卖家何洋
  • 联系方式13296124812
  • 地址中国(上海)自由贸易试验区金豫路100号2幢1017室(注册地址)
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